Practical Python
This Python course is designed for the intermediate Python learner. Although we encourage the use of Visual Studio code, you may use any code environment that you choose. You may also use either mac or windows.
Joining The Mailing List
Navigating The Course
Office hours zoom link
Week 1 - Python Basics - Print, Variables, Input, Loops, and Conditions
Week 1 - Print, Variables, Input, and Conditionals
Week 1 Assignment - Asking Questions
Week 2 Live Meeting - Python Basics - Functions, Lists, Dictionaries, and Objects
Week 2 Video - Python Basics - Lists, Loops, Dictionaries, and Objects
Week 2 Notes
Week 2 Class Code
Week 2 - Assignment
Week 2 Quiz
Week 3 Live Meeting - Python Basics - Modules and Libraries.
Favorite Python Modules Handout
Installing Packages On Windows And Mac
Class 3 Code
Week 3 Video
Python Environment Management Tools
Week 4 - Virtual Environments
Week 4 - Virtual Environments
Week 5 - Scraping The Web
Sample Code
Web Scraping Overview
Week 5 - Scraping The Web
Week 5 Assignment